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The Legendary Moonlight Sculptor Wiki
Plains of Despair

The Plains of Despair Map

Plains of Despair is located on the eastern border of the Rosenheim Kingdom. If you consider the monster's level, it is a place close to the level of a forgotten zone. In Rosenheim only a few dozen people dare to go the Plains of Despair[1].

Description []


The Yuroki Mountains

At the border of the plains, there are the Yuroki Mountains.

At first glance plains looked like they are empty, but that was a misleading first impression.

Every kind of monsters had its own territory, by walking into which players were forcing all of the monsters inhabiting it to attack. These territories were scattered around the plains, forming a complex labyrinth[2]

Without a map, a party can easily lose everything, life included.

List of Races[]

There are four races living on the Plains of Despair.

Orcs tribes[]

Orcs can be met as wandering monsters, in small, medium or even large or very large groups of thousands. They are the dominant race in this region.

Dark Elves Castle[]

Dark Elves can be found at their citadel or wandering around.

Humans Villages []

Village of Exiles[]

Villages of exiles were scattered all around the plains. And despite the abundance of monsters, they were full of life, villagers were hunting and going out of villages for other business. It was not unusual to meet one of them [3].

The black temple[]

There is also special small human community living among the dark elves: the blood necromancers and their black temple, which is under the proection of the dark elves. [4] v7c5


Barbarian are also living in the plain of despair [5]. We don't know much about them yet.

Other wandering groups[]

Partys of high level adventurers (level 250+) or even marchand with mercenaries, as support group can be met in the plain of despair. Marchand would only travel there with a map.

List of Monsters[]

Overall level monster, between 200 and 350, with Boss-class type over 400.



A few key event in the region:

  • The human exile.
  • The great Orc wars.
  • The unique alliance of all three race and the defeat of Shire, the Lich and his undead armies.
  • The truce between the races and the first maps of the plain of despair given to outsiders

Famous places[]

A few famous places :

  • The black Temple of the blood necromancers
  • The dark elves Citadel, at the peak of a moutain
  • The great wall at the eastern border of Rosenheim Kingdom.
  • The Horom moutain (Yuroki's highest peak) and the harmonious family sculpture at the summit.
  • The orcs villages
  • The Yunopu Canyon: located in the northern part of Plains of Despair. Two twin mountains were attracting travelers, like a giant pair of doors [6].
  • Karaka Forest: near the Yuroki Mountains, a place full of monsters including the King Snake[7], locations inside this forest includes the Beetle Cave, the Hobgoblin Fortress, the Dread Wolf areas and the Lich Shire dungeons[8].

Limited access[]

The great walls []

Plain of despair

Frontier to the plain of despair, the great walls of Rosenheim

On the eastern border of Rosenheim Kingdom a high wall was built, that was blocking the way of monsters, living on the other side. And to pass into Plains of Despair one had to climb up the stairs to the top of the wall and carefully descend the small hidden ladder on the other side[9].

The teleport gate of the Freya church []

Another way in is through a teleport gate, managed by the church of Freya.


The dwarf warrior Oberon, leader of the Guild Frozen Roses, went on an exploration there with over 30 members in the party. He did not accept any player less that level 250. And did NOT get very far, because of the lack of a map[10].

